Unicoi Outfitters

Fly Fishing Professionals

Helen, Georgia

Fly Tying Classes

The interest in tying your own flies has been increasing for a while and Unicoi Outfitters is offering something new for 2012 for those who are looking to start or want to grow in this area of fly fishing.

Our new classes are called "Tie It and Try It". We will begin with the basics and advance from there, with emphasis on the life cycles of the different aquatic insects and other food sources. Each month we will focus on a different fly-tying subject...see the class schedule for more details.

We will cover many of the fundamental skills associated with fly tying, demonstrating the correct techniques that will help your creations look more realistic, as well as help you create flies that you can fish with confidence.

Time on the river will be offered after each session to "Tie It and Try It" - a chance to fish the flies we have tied in class.

Unicoi Outfitters has several accomplished tiers lined up to teach these classes and help you improve your tying skills including Jake Darling, Charles Head, George MacMillan, Cole Sosebee, and Ron Thomas.

All classes will last for three to four hours and will be limited in size to offer one-on-one instruction. In addition to our scheduled classes, custom classes can also be tailored for your needs - just call our shop to make arrangements.

Click here to see a class schedule.

Contact Unicoi Outfitters:

P.O. Box 419
7280 S. Main Street
Helen, Georgia 30545
(706) 878-3083
or by email.

Unicoi Outfitters is a permittee of the Chattahoochee-Oconee, Sumter, and Nantahala National Forests. See contact page for more information.