Unicoi Outfitters

Fly Fishing Professionals

Helen, Georgia

Jake Darling, Unicoi Outfitters Guide

Jake Darling

Jake began fly fishing with his father at age 5 and quickly grew a passion for the sport. Jake is no stranger to the fly shop, and has been running around here since he was in diapers. Jake has been fly fishing for 22 years and has been guiding for 12 years.

For Jake, fly fishing has always been his sanity, his passion, and his life. Jake enjoys just being on the water, whether it be guiding his clients, or just fishing with friends. He loves to gain and share his knowledge of fly fishing, but it is the camaraderie of fly fishing that he values most.

In addition to guiding, Jake is Unicoi Outfitters' assistant manager, is passionate about teaching all aspects of the sport, is involved in coldwater conservation through active participation in Trout Unlimited, and speaks often at a variety of fly fishing gatherings and festivals. For Jake, fly fishing is more than a hobby, it's his chosen life career.

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Contact Unicoi Outfitters:

P.O. Box 419
7280 S. Main Street
Helen, Georgia 30545
(706) 878-3083
or by email.

Unicoi Outfitters is a permittee of the Chattahoochee-Oconee, Sumter, and Nantahala National Forests. See contact page for more information.